Korean Hate Speech Dataset

Korean Hate Speech Dataset is created by inmoonlight@github, warnikchow@github, and beomi@github. Data specification is as follows:

  • author: inmoonlight@github, warnikchow@github, beomi@github
  • repository: https://github.com/kocohub/korean-hate-speech
  • size:
    • train: 7,896 examples
    • dev: 471 examples
    • test: 974 examples
    • unlabeled: 2,033,893 examples

Data structure is as:

Attributes Property
text Comments
title/pair Title of article
gender_bias Presence of gender-related bias (True/False)
bias Type of bias (gender-related/other/none)
hate Toxicity of hateful expressions (hate/offensive/none)

1. In Python

Execute Python console, download the corpus, and read it.

Downloading the corpus

You can download the Korean Hate Speech Corpus in the local by the following procedure.

from Korpora import Korpora

First, download the corpus to Korpora, a directory under the user’s local computer root (~/Korpora). If you want to download it in other path, please assign root_dir=custom_path when you execute fetch function.


If you assign force_download=True when you execute the fetch function, the corpus is downloaded again regardless of its presence in the local. The default is False.

Reading the corpus

You can read the Korean Hate Speech Corpus in Python console with the following scheme. If the corpus is not in the local, the downloading is accompanied.

from Korpora import Korpora
corpus = Korpora.load("korean_hate_speech")

You can read the Korean Hate Speech Corpus as below; the result is the same as the above operation.

from Korpora import KoreanHateSpeechKorpus
corpus = KoreanHateSpeechKorpus()

Execute one of the above, and the copus is assigned to the variable corpus. train denotes the train data of Korean Hate Speech Corpus, and you can check the first instance as:

>>> corpus.train[0]
KoreanHateSpeechLabeledExample(text='(현재 호텔주인 심정) 아18...', title='"밤새 조문 행렬...', gender_bias='False', bias='others', hate='hate')
>>> corpus.train[0].text
(현재 호텔주인 심정) 아18...(현재 호텔주인 심정) 아18...
>>> corpus.train[0].title
"밤새 조문 행렬...
>>> corpus.train[0].gender_bias
>>> corpus.train[0].bias
>>> corpus.train[0].hate

dev, test, unlabeled denote dev, test, and unlabeled data of Korean Hate Speech Corpus, and you can check the first instance as:

>>> korean_hate_speech.dev[0]
KoreanHateSpeechLabeledExample(text='송중기 시대극은 믿고본다...', title='"'아스달 연대기\'...', gender_bias='False', bias='none', hate='none')
>>> korean_hate_speech.test[0]
SentencePair(text='ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 조아해주는 팬들 많아서 좋겠다 ㅠㅠ 니들은 온유가 안만져줌 ㅠㅠ', pair='"샤이니 온유, 클럽 강제추행 \'무혐의\' 처분 받았다"')
>>> korean_hate_speech.unlabeled[0]
SentencePair(text='"[단독] 지드래곤♥이주연, 제주도 데이트...', pair='"[단독] 지드래곤♥이주연, 제주도 데이트...')

The method get_all_texts lets you check all the texts (news comments) in Korean Hate Speech Corpus.

>>> corpus.get_all_texts()
['송중기 시대극은 믿고본다. 첫회 신선하고 좋았다.', ... ]

You can also execute get_all_texts for train, dev, test, and unlabeled each.

>>> corpus.train.get_all_texts()
['(현재 호텔주인 심정) 아18 난 마른하늘에 날벼락맞고 호텔망하게생겼는데 누군 계속 추모받네....', ... ]
>>> corpus.dev.get_all_texts()
['송중기 시대극은 믿고본다. 첫회 신선하고 좋았다.', ... ]
>>> corpus.test.get_all_texts()
['ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 조아해주는 팬들 많아서 좋겠다 ㅠㅠ 니들은 온유가 안만져줌 ㅠㅠ', ... ]
>>> corpus.unlabeled.get_all_texts()
['"[단독] 지드래곤♥이주연, 제주도 데이트…2018년 1호 커플 탄생"', ... ]

2. In terminal

You can download the corpus without executing Python console. The command is as below.

korpora fetch --corpus korean_hate_speech

First, download the corpus to Korpora, a directory under the user’s local computer root (~/Korpora). If you want to download it in other path, please assign --root_dir custom_path when you execute fetch function in the terminal.


If you assign --force_download when you execute fetch function in the terminal, the corpus is downloaded again regardless of its presence in the local.