Modu: Morphemes

Modu: Morphemes is a dataset released by National Institute of Korean Language. Data specification is as follows.


Due to the licensing issue of Modu corpus, Korpora does not provide any download functions for this corpus. Rather, it only offers a load function.If you wish to use this corpus, please complete the authentication process required by the National Institue of Korean Language and manually download the corpus.

You can load the corpus from your Python console as follows.

from Korpora import Korpora
corpus = Korpora.load("modu_mp")

The code assumes that the corpus has already been unzipped into NIKL_MP directory within ~/Korpora (~/Korpora/NIKL_MP).If the root directory is not ~/Korpora, add root_dir=custom_path argument to the load method.

You can also load the corpus as follows. The output of these codes is identical to that of previous codes.

from Korpora import ModuMorphemeKorpus
corpus = ModuMorphemeKorpus()

The codes assumes that the corpus has already been unzipped into ~/Korpora/NIKL_MP within the current user’s local root. If the corpus exists in another directory, add root_dir=custom_path argument in ModuMorphemeKorpus class declaration.

If you use either one of these previous examples, you can load the corpus into the variable corpus. train refers to the training dataset of the corpus, and you can check its first training instance as follows.

>>> corpus.train[0]
    sentence=[제주·서울] "세계환경수도 조성위해 10개년 실천계획 만들겠다" 김태환 지사 밝혀,
    tags=('[', '제주', '·', '서울', ']', '"', '세계', '환경', '수도', '조성', '위하', '아', '10', '개년', '실천', '계획', '만들', '겠', '다', '"', '김태환', '지사', '밝히', '어'),
    positions=('SS', 'NNP', 'SP', 'NNP', 'SS', 'SS', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'VV', 'EC', 'SN', 'NNB', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'VV', 'EP', 'EF', 'SS', 'NNP', 'NNG', 'VV', 'EF'),
    eojeol_id=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8)
>>> corpus.train[0].tags
('SS', 'NNP', 'SP', 'NNP', 'SS', 'SS', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'VV', 'EC', 'SN', 'NNB', 'NNG', 'NNG', 'VV', 'EP', 'EF', 'SS', 'NNP', 'NNG', 'VV', 'EF')