Ko-En Parallel Corpus

Ko-En Parallel Corpus is the data released by jungyeul@github. Data specification is as follows:

Data structure is as:

Attributes Property
text Korean sentence
pair English sentence

1. In Python

Execute Python console, download the corpus, and read it.

Downloading the corpus

You can download the Ko-En Parallel Corpus in the local by the following procedure.

from Korpora import Korpora

First, download the corpus to Korpora, a directory under the user’s local computer root (~/Korpora).If you want to download it in other path, please assign root_dir=custom_path when you execute fetch function.


If you assign force_download=True when you execute the fetch function, the corpus is downloaded again regardless of its presence in the local. The default is False.

Reading the corpus

You can read the Ko-En Parallel Corpus in Python console with the following scheme. If the corpus is not in the local, the downloading is accompanied.

from Korpora import Korpora
corpus = Korpora.load("korean_parallel_koen_news")

You can read the Ko-En Parallel Corpus as below; the result is the same as the above operation.

from Korpora import KoreanParallelKOENNewsKorpus
corpus = KoreanParallelKOENNewsKorpus()

Execute one of the above, and the copus is assigned to the variable corpus. train denotes the train data of Ko-En Parallel Corpus, and you can check the first instance as:

>>> corpus.train[0]
SentencePair(text='개인용 컴퓨터 사용의 상당 부분은 "이것보다 뛰어날 수 있느냐?"', pair='Much of personal computing is about "can you top this?"')
>>> corpus.train[0].text
개인용 컴퓨터 사용의 상당 부분은 "이것보다 뛰어날 수 있느냐?"
>>> corpus.train[0].pair
Much of personal computing is about "can you top this?"

dev, test denote dev and test data of Ko-En Parallel Corpus, and you can check the first instance as:

>>> corpus.test[0]
SentencePair(text='토론에 참여한 사람들은 법 집행과 국가 ...', pair='Those involved in the discussions do take seriously ...')
>>> corpus.dev[0]
SentencePair(text='세계 에서 가장 강력한 수퍼컴퓨터를 1년...', pair="After keeping the world's most powerful supercomputer ...")

The method get_all_texts lets you check all the texts (Korean sentences) in Ko-En Parallel Corpus.

>>> corpus.get_all_texts()
['세계 에서 가장 강력한 수퍼컴퓨터를 1년...', ... ]

In corpus.train, if you execute the method get_all_texts and get_all_pairs each, you can check all the text (Korean sentenceas) and pair (English sentences) in the train set of Ko-En Parallel Corpus. This also holds in corpus.dev and corpus.test.

>>> corpus.train.get_all_texts()
['개인용 컴퓨터 사용의 상당 부분은 "이것보다 뛰어날 수 있느냐?"', ... ]
>>> corpus.train.get_all_pairs()
['Much of personal computing is...', ... ]

2. In terminal

You can download the corpus without executing Python console. The command is as below.

korpora fetch --corpus korean_parallel_koen_news

First, download the corpus to Korpora, a directory under the user’s local computer root (~/Korpora).If you want to download it in other path, please assign --root_dir custom_path when you execute fetch function in the terminal.


If you assign --force_download when you execute fetch function in the terminal, the corpus is downloaded again regardless of its presence in the local.